Wednesday, April 29, 2009

never enough time

OK. check it. This just happened about 5 minutes ago.
One thing that I know how to do well is procrastinate (don't judge you all do it too). Last night I did my Old Testament homework real late cause that's how I roll. And I went to bed telling myself that I would do my Comm. 111 (Writing for Comm. careers or something like that) homework after my photography lab and before my other classes. My Photo lab was scheduled from 8a.m. 10:30 or something like that and my next class isn't until 12:45. So that should be plenty of time to read a newspaper article and write a paragraph about what I thought about the writing. No big deal.

So I wake up reeeeeeaaaaaaaal early, we're talking 7:15. Ya I know pathetic right. Anyway my tired mind tells me that I'll probably be working with chemicals and it probably isn't a good idea to wear my really nice leather wrist watch. So I grab my $13 rubber ish watch, strap it on and head off to the lab.

Things are going great, we're learning how to wind film onto spools for developing or whatever. Then he goes through the entire process of developing film and using the chemicals and all that jazz so that we know how to do it. I'm not really paying attention to the time at all so I have no clue what time it really is. I'm not even looking at my watch while I'm developing my own film because we have big timer clocks that I'm looking at for time. All I know is that I've been in the lab for a while.

Anyway, by the time I get done with my film I'm headed home and decide to look down at the time. My watch says 11:53. HOLY STAB!!! I have less than an hour get home, read an article, write a paragraph, print it off, and get to class and somewhere in there eat food. I think I'm gonna be rushed. So I book it home, grab a Scroll (school paper) on the way and dash into my room. First thing I do is print off my Old Test. homework from the night before. While that's printing I slap together a pbj and start eating. Then I sat down on my bed with the computer on my lap and the Scroll in my hands and start looking for an article I can read. somewhere in here I glance down at the computer screen and notice that the time says 10:22. That's odd I thought it was about 12:22 by now. Then it hits me. I just got home from Orlando and I havn't worn this watch since I was in Florida. It really was 12:22... in Florida. So now I'm taking a deep breath and eating the last few bites of my pbj. I have 2 more hours to procrastinate doing my homework.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

cookies, hot tang and the late night bathroom scandal

This is likely to be random and not make a lot of sense. So last night I was sitting around jammin/getting ready to head out, when I hear a rap-tap-tap on the door. So I got up and answered it. And guess who it was. COOKIES! Ya Cookies. If you know who that is then you know how I felt. I you don't know who I'm talking about I'll try to fill you in. Cookies (obviously a nickname, one which he has no knowledge of) is a CP here He's also in the ward. He is in the top 5 most socially awkward people I've ever been around club. I'm not trying to be a jerk, he's just really that awkward. I don't have time for examples right now.

Anyway he says to me "guess what I did today?"
Me "Held up a 7-11?'
Cookies "Close, I locked myself out of my apt."
Me "Wow, that sucks"
Cookies "Can i sleep on your couch tonight?"
Me "Where's your roommates?"
Cookies "They've gone home already."

Of course my mother taught me better than to just make him sleep in the stairwell so I invite him in. However I'm not about to entertain Cookies for the evening. I explain to him that I was just headed out but he can chill here and watch movies on my laptop or whatever and I'll be back later. PS sorry for the surprise Jordan and Brandon (my roommates). Coming home to Cookies asleep on the couch is probably not your idea of a fun evening.

Anyway so I head over to Jenica's place and we chill and make some delicious food, which was great because I'm out of food and I refuse to buy any between now and when I leave in 4 days. While in the process of making the food we're talking about great things and Tang (it's a kick in the glass) comes up. But not just Tang (it's a kick in the glass) but hot Tang (it's a kick in the hot glass) so delicious. And she had some so we made hot Tang (it's a kick in the hot glass) and drank it and it was super amazing.

We gave some to Jenica's roommate Brittany (shout out) because she's never had Tang (it's a kick in the glass) before. It was great because after the first taste you could tell it was not what she expected. And the only words good enough to describe it were "Tangy" (it's a kick in the glassy)

Fast Forward>>>>>> now I'm in bed asleep and for some reason my roommate is struggling to open the bathroom door. Why is the bathroom door locked and nobodies inside. He tries the "stick a coat hanger in the little hole" bit. That doesn't work. So I get up and try to card the door open. All I did was manage to break my card in half. Sorry Multnomah County, I guess I won't be using your library anymore. Finally we just decide to take the door knob off but in our apt full of guys none of us has a screwdriver. huh!? So we use a butter knife to unscrew the freakin door knob. We don't know how the door ended getting locked because we usually don't even close the door at night. I think we decided to blame Cookies.

what's the deal with buses

This is a shout out to every CP who has ever worked the rediculous 8pm - 4am shift. But even if you have never had the blessed opportunity of experiencing that shift you still might enjoy this.

2 words- Pavlov's Dog. That's what I am. Anytime I get on the bus I'm immediately tired. I don't know what it is but the bus is my bell. And returning home from work at 4 am only makes it worse. The problem is, the last thing I, or anybody, should ever want to do is sleep on these buses.

First of all you don't know what creeps are going to watching/staring at you while you're asleep on the bus. Going along with that people do unattractive things while they sleep. ie: Snoring. Or when your head falls back and your mouth flops open, that's cute. Even worse is the "I'm trying not to fall asleep head nod" which is always accompanied by awkwardly looking around to see if anybody notice, guess what, EVERYBODY noticed. And the worst of all is drooling all over yourself. Any of these are a very real possibility and probability.

Secondly there's always the fear of oversleeping your stop. So you either don't sleep very well because you're waking up at every slight decrease of momentum just to be sure you don't miss your stop. just konk out and have to hope you wake up in time because if you don't you have to go through stress and waisted time of trying to find out how you're going to get home now without riding the bus for another hour while it to goes around the cycle.

Third and my personal favorite reason why you should never sleep on the bus. The Windows. Every window next to every seat on the bus is coated with some sort of film. A thick layer of grease, oil, hair gel, makeup and whatever else has been coming off of everybodies heads and faces while they sleep on the bus. For some unknown reason it's a great idea to rest your head against the window and take a nap on the way to and from work. Thus despensing a bit of your special head funk for everyone else to enjoy. mmm...sounds good. I don't think that American Coach has ever bothered to clean their buses either because the head funk is always there. And don't think that you can get away with just sleeping against the head rest because it's there too you just can't see it.

So there you have it. Three great reasons why you should never sleep on the bus. No matter how tired you are it's never worth your time. Just wait til you get home and can actually enjoy your sleep without the fear of disease.