Tuesday, January 26, 2010

hummus recipe

Our vacuum came and it's great. I'm very happy with all the time and research that went into it. After the vacuum came I didn't have a project to work on so I had to find something to do. The answer came one night when Megan and I tried to make hummus. We tried our darnedest without a recipe but it just didn't turn out. We think the problem was that one of (I won't say who, but it wasn't me) spilled the garlic powder in the hummus while we were mixing it. Needless to say it was just a bit too much garlicky for us and we threw most of it away.

I wasn't about to accept defeat and deiced that I was going to make some amazing hummus and not only was I going to do it I was going to do it without a recipe, I think I get that from my dad (KFC gravy soup). I will say that although I didn't use a recipe I did do a lot of hummus recipe research and it turns out that all hummus recipes are 95% identical. The biggest differences were the portions of ingredients used. So I made a list of all the ingredients I needed and went to the store where people buy food.

We had most the ingredients already but I needed more Chickpeas (garbanzo beans), pita bread and Tahini, which is actually just sesame butter and is not located next to the butter or in the asian food section like that punk Rufio kid at the grocery store suggested I look. It is in fact next to the peanut butter. Anyway I went home and made some garlic red pepper hummus. I liked it so I saved it for Megan to try when she got home from work, seeing as how is it the hummus tasting expert. And she loved it! That's right. But I don't think I'm done yet. Although it was great I think I could do better. I'll make sure to let you know if any progress is made.

Here's the recipe I made up if you're interested. It is really easy to make and only takes about 15 min. probably less if you have a food processor instead of just a blender.

1 can Chickpeas (drained)
1 clove garlic
1/4 cup Tahini (found next to the PB)
2 Tbsp olive oil
1/4 lemon (squeezed to death)
1/4 cup water
Crushed Red Pepper

Add Garlic (I crushed and peeled the garlic and put it in the bottom of the blender so it would be sure to blend really well.), Chickpeas, Tahini, Olive Oil and Lemon Juice then mixed it. Add water slowly to get desired consistency. Add the Cumin, Red Peppers and salt last to taste. (I probably did about a tsp each of the Cumin and Peppers and not very much salt at all.) You could also use the juice from the Chickpeas instead of the water if you want. Serve with Pita bread (I like my pita warm) or whatever you like.

Like I said super easy super great.

Friday, January 8, 2010

the married life

So it finally happened I'm married as of Dec. 26. Megan is amazing and I'm so blessed to be with her forever. The wedding was great the and weather was mostly great, some people thought it may have been a bit chilly but I thought it was fine. But what do you expect from Vegas during Christmas.

Now we're married, but this isn't about all that mushy stuff. This is about the way things are after being married for only 2 weeks. We both spent the first week with coughs and congestion. That's all gone now thankfully. Last Saturday we moved into our own place. It's a 2 bed 2 bath condo in Summerland (sp) (i think we're in west Vegas). It's a pretty sweet hookup, gated community, bordered by a nature park with walking/running path, swimming pool/hot tumb (which is great), small gym (new years Res. #1 bulk up by 20 lbs), and most of our neighbors are old...saweeeeeet! Not a bad gig if you ask me.

Thanks to the generosity of Megan's parents our entire possessions include the clothes we own, a box of essential kitchen items, a double bed, a couch, and a cabinet where we keep our clothes. That's really all we have. All of our meals are eaten picnic style in the living room on a blanket that was "borrowed" from the back of our friend Jessica's car a few months ago. She probably doesn't know Megan still has it. We might go hit up some yard sales for some awesome furniture if we get desperate enough, but we'll have to see.

This is the part of the story where I would usually stray from the boring details and get the juicy/exciting/climaxtic part of the story. So her it is... Megan still works full time at the temp agency. I've applied there and told them I'm available for work whenever. So far I haven't worked yet. ( I would prefer an internship in marketing or PR if anybody has any hookups [winky face]) My days consist of taking Megan to work and aften going back to sleep til noon, which has really only happened twice, stop worrying mom. Then I make the bed as nice as I can and find something to clean in the apt. I've also been doing odds and ends errands. The highlight of my days come when I go to the public library. That's when the party starts. I "update my social medias" ie: check my facebook and twitter. But that's not all, all week I've been researching vacuum cleaners online. I've read dozens of reviews for multiple brands and models. The sad part is, I've actually gotten really into it. Everybody really wants one of 2 vacs: 1 either the vac their mom bought when they were a kid and still uses to this day, or 2 a Dyson. Well unfortunatley we can't afford a Dyson and I don't think moms old vac is up for grabs, although I think it's still in the basement hall next to my old room. Today I finally decided on what I want Megan's complete trust and faith in my research and decision making made my purchse on Target.com (not available in stores). So to those of you who gave us Target gift cards as a gift thank you, you contributed to our vacuum fund.

I've also had a lot of time to research disc golf courses in Vegas and to my surprise there are not ver many there are only two 18 hole courses one 24 hole course and a couple 9 hole courses. Non of which are close to where we live. Bummer. Oh well I'll still find time to go don't worry.

But now I have to run because I need to buy a can opener before I go pick up Megan from work.

I also saw a midget on a bicycle today. All I said to myself was "huh?"