Saturday, March 7, 2009

what are we teaching our kids

The other day I was at work, as I often do, and I had another one of those great "some people are so stupid" experiences. There was a young family waiting to board the monorail and as they waited they were talking about stuff that I didn't really care about. The mother decided to quiz her 4 ish year old daughter on where they had parked the car. The thought for a second and replied that they had parked in 11. That was right, what a smart child. The mother decided that that wasn't enough and was going to ensure that her daughter didn't forget where they had parked. So, the mother decided to do some kind of word game thing to help them remember.

The mother pointed out that 11 also happens to be located in Pluto. And that's when she proceeded to make the connections. That's when it all went down hill. She said that Pluto was also the furthest planet from the sun. FALSE. But I will give her a break because Pluto used to be a planet but is now considered a planetoid or some suedo planet thing. There may be a lot of people who don't know that that was changed so I will cut her some slack on that.

The next thing she said is what really got me. And I knew it was coming, I don't know if it was by revelation, a gut feeling, or some kind of Miss Cleo foresight but I knew what she was going to say next. She then said that 9 and 11 are both prime numbers. NOOOOO!!! So they are parked in the prime numberest planet parking area. WHAT!!! 9 is not, has never been and will never be a prime number. Fortunetly she did catch herself about 35 seconds later, but she jsut mumbled to herself that 9 wasn't a prime number and didn't really say anything to her daughter.

Hopfully that little girl doesn't remember that conversation for the rest of her life and hopfully she doesn't grow up under the false idea that 9 is prime. And hopfully her mother will figure out that Pluto is no longer a planet.

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