Friday, January 30, 2009


I was working on the monorail platform at the Grand Floridian resort and spa. I was just doing my thing and loading guests onto the trains as they came in when this family came to the gates. As they waited for the train I didn't think they were odd at all because they all acted completely normal. One of the ladies in the group was using an ECV, commonly referred to as "one of those motorized wheelchair scooter things." No big deal I'll just drop the ramp when the train comes. And it did. So i put down the wheelchair ramp and stepped back. The lady in the ECV boarded first and everyone that was with her watched her very intently as she did so. But she got on safe no big deal. The best part came as the last of their party boarded the train and a man leaned to me and said "she had a little to much to drink tonight."

What! Look out here comes a driver under the influence. Stay off the sidewalks. Is that even legal? I laughed for a good while after that. I love my job.

1 comment:

  1. You are perfect for your job. Seriously. who better to help those special people! hahaha... and i love all of these stories. I wish I could be there. could you imagine it? Actually I'm pretty sure we wouldn't get anything done. so it's a good thing I'm not there.
