There's a lot of people who wonder what I do with my time. Especially when it come to things like school, work and food. Some of you may think that I don't participate in one or any of these activities. The purpose of this is to convince you that contrary to popular belief I do in deed go to work, do homework and eat food.
My roommates last fall semester would always ask me if I ever did homework because they were always busy studying while I always wanted to play. What they didn't understand is that I did do homework, they just never saw me doing it. I usually did my homework right after class and before they would come home, or I did it after they went to sleep. I started class usually 1-2 hours after they did so I could afford to stay up later. Thus they never saw me doing homework and therefore had false ideas that all I did was play frisbee and guitar and hang out with my peeps.
My friends here in Florida think that I never work. It may have to do with the fact that I started work 3 days after they did and so for those 3 days all I did was ask people to come play with me. And now that I've started work I've had the weekends off so it seems like I don't work because they all work on weekends and I'm sure that they're just jealous. Also when I do work I work the late shift. So I play during the day and just sneak away for the evening.
This last part may come as a surprise to many of you (mom) but I do eat and sometimes I eat a lot. If I were to venture a guess as to why many people don't think I eat I would guess that it has to do with my lack of complaining about being hungry. I don't really get "hungry" my body does tell me that I need to eat, sometimes. But I'm never like "Ohhhhh I'm soooooo hungry I could die, blah blah blah..." I don't really feel hungry a lot and sometimes I eat because I know that I should and feel obligated to. Another reason why people may think that I never eat may be due to my perfect physique (stop rolling your eyes Jenni) and 6% body fat. I don't actually know my body fat %, that last part about the perfect physique was mostly a joke. Mostly.
Now for the truth, the real reason I disclosed all my deepest secrets is because I wanted to post a picture of my breakfast. I was delicious.
I have so many things to say. First, those pancakes were cooked to perfection. They had peanut butter and syrup on them... oh my DREAM COME TRUE! i can't wait for breakfast tomorrow! Second, you know me too well, I was mid eye roll right when you told me to stop... but I finished it anyway. Third- do you really need to rub it in that you don't have to study half as hard as I do and you still do better in school than me?! You smarty pants. Also, you're hilarious!! I'm going to bed now so that I can wake up and eat breakfast :)
ReplyDeleteAlso, if you don't start commenting on my blog. You'll pay for it.